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Je ketu:
Kodi: Mendimi
Mendimi kritik i nje qytetari
[Gilman Bakalli]
002 - Busulla e çorientuar
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003 - Konflikti i munguar i politikes shqiptare
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004 - Elozh amatorizmit... edhe ne politike!
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005 - Shqiperia e Ben Blushit. Letersia si vazhdim i politikes me mjete te tjera
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006 - Deklarata e Berishes- Nje rast per psikoanalizen dhe jo gazetarine.
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007 - Nga se duhet te kete frike realisht Berisha
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008 - Dashnor i fjales se lire apo i dashuruar me fjalen e lire
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009 - Midis deputetit qaraman dhe kryeministrit arrogant
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010 - Zoti kryeminister nje polici per endrrat tona!
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011 - Midis Hyrremit dhe Zhozit
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012 - Viktimat e verteta te Jozefines
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013 - Pushtimet s`jane kafe turke, por as peticionet intelektuale s`duhet te jene kafe makiato
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014 - Pse Gjergj Bojaxhi eshte edhe kandidati im per Tiranen
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015 - Fajin nuk e ka Donald Trump
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016 - Gjergj Ndreca E drejta per tu zemeruar
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017 - Olldashi dhe paragjykimet konfirmuese
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018 - Te abuzosh me emrin Evrope
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019 - Anulojeni postin e presidentit
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020 - Pamundesia e nje narrative te re ne politiken shqiptare
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021 - Protestuesi si terrorist dhe shteti si artist
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022 - Deputete me pistolete
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022 - Diktatori nuk duhet lene rehat
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024 - Fushatat elektorale si poezi
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025 - Si ta fshehesh te verteten pa u zbuluar
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026 - Brechti i lexuar dhjetor pas dhjetori
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027 - Pushteti si Bark
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028 - 21 Janari, fundi i diplomacise. Yes, but
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029 - Revolucion apo zgjedhje
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030 - Liria e cenimit te fjales se lire
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031 - Koha per zbulim
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032 - Te gjithe te gatshem te perballen me organet e drejtesise
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033 - Mjerimi i deputetit ose shkrim per ceshtje qe nuk jane ne rendin e dites
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034 - PD si e keqja me evogel
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035 - Keqperdorimi i nje kauze dhe protesta e munguar
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037 - Shkodrane te llastuar
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038 - A duhet privatizuar insttucioni i marteses Alba kallogjeri
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039 - KKRT (guximi qytetar)
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042 - Ne kurthin e shkakesise
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044 - Masivizimi i kreativitetit
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045 - Memorandum
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046 - Bukuri semundje dhe pushtet
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048 - Kultura qe po e mbyt artin
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051 - E amshueshmja femerore na terheq gjithnje e me lart
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052 - Erotizimi i hapsires publike nga grate
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058 - Pse duhet ti bindim te tjeret se jemi te mire
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059 - Njeriu modern
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060 - Puna nuk na ben aspak te lire
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063 - Iluzionizoni i alternativave
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075 - Migena Lika Libri mes adhurimit
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077 - Emmanuel Kant ose sa vlen realisht evaluimi universitar
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079 - Lajme grimca lajmesh,grimca pafundesisht te vogla lajmesh
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081 - Elozh moskuptimit
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084 - Ne shtratin e ngushte te agores
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089 - Evazioni verbal ne realitetin mediatik shqiptar
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091 - Futbolli si spektakel homoseksual
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092 - Magjia e narratives futbollistike
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093 - Dhuna si rrezik dhe si risk
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094 - Feja si ideologji
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095 - S`ka mbetur me asgje per te thene
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096 - Toleranca nuk eshte nje ide fetare
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097 - Ne Shkoder te gjithe kendojne me ze shume te larte
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098 - Lliria per te blasfemuar
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099 - Feja e shqiptarit eshte edhe shqiptaria
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100 - Cshenjterimi i shenjterimit
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101 - Ana e erret e demokratizimit te moralit
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102 - Morali nuk i justifikon mjetet
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103 - Spiralja e lincimit ne rrjetet sociale
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104 - Pse nuk mund te jemi solidare me Sirine aq sa me Francen
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105 - Rrjedhja e trurit
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106 - Qytetare te vyer nxenes te shkelqyer, nje reklam qe irriton
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108 - Florie, barku yt te perket ty!
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109 - Nazime Visha ose Secili prej nesh eshte nje kriminel
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